Think twice before you Think!!

Isn’t it funny that ever since we grow up, everybody we meet ask us to take care of our health but no one bothers to even tell us to take care of the most important part of our body, our mind?

Everybody would say that beta sehat ka dhyaan rakhna but no one says that take care of your mind too.

Just like a healthy body is a necessity to lead a healthy life, a healthy mind is also a necessity to lead a complete life and Mind like our body also needs special care to remain healthy.  

One may take utmost care of the body but until one clears its mind from unnecessary garbage, there is no point in taking care of the body as the net result would not be what one wants.

Since our childhood, we are habituated to clean our body on a daily basis. Why? Because it gets dirty with a day’s work with lots of pollution around so we should clean it daily. Same goes with our mind too. It deals with a lot more pollution and negativity than our body but do we clean it daily.  

Let alone our daily things, there are so many things in our mind which are sitting there ever since they came there and though they don’t fit in our today’s scheme of things but we don’t let them go.

It’s not that we don’t want it; it’s just that we don’t even know that we are clinging with certain thought process and thinking which is pulling us back. It’s as much part of our mind as blood is part of our body. And they are slowly-slowly eating away our future and we don’t even know it.

We want to change the circumstances we are in but don’t want to change the way we do certain things.

If we want something to happen with us that has not happened till now then we would also have to do something we have never done before and that would not come in a split second.

We can’t undo what we have learned over twenty-thirty years of our lives. It takes time. We need to work on our habits, our character and all those things would come when we change how we see things and that would ultimately take us to how we think about those things or situations.

A successful life is a mixture of healthy body and mind because you may have enormous wealth in the world but everything is waste unless you have your body and your mind in right place.

Our mind is the abode of our life. We need to clean it every day, fill it with fresh beautiful thoughts, and keep away all the garbage. When we do it regularly, our lives would reflect it.

There is a famous saying that Think twice before you speak anything. I would add in to it that you think twice before you think anything.
