One by one, slowly-slowly, it comes calmly drop by drop,
And before even we get to know, rain starts playing the hip-hop,
Some fumes on that, some smiles on that,
Few love the smell; few hate the frenzy of clouds,
It’s a blessing from God, to give us the Prasad of water,
It brings lives with it; it doesn’t know if there is any border,
It rests on the leaf of a tree; it rests on a dead timber as well,
It wets the huge mountains too; it mixes with the soil as well,
It never does any discrimination; it never gives anyone any favor,
To love one and all is the God’s only fervour,
It blesses whoever it touches, without knowing who you are,
It mixes with everyone without seeing race and color,
It teaches us the way to live; it tells us the way to give,
The water is colorless though, it shows what everyone believe,
It’s as pure as we all are, when we come in this world,
The moment we mingle here, that purity banishes somehow,
The water mixes with soil, that water gets muddy only,
The water which goes in ocean, that retains its sanctity but,
To retain our sanctity as well, we need to know the ocean we want,
Choose the way you want to live; the almighty is always willing to grant!!
