That lady who sells flowers!!

I see her sitting at the roadside every day,
Dressed in a Sari, her only possession may be,
The design is lost in patches, like she is lost in her life,
The vermilion though suggests she is somebody’s wife,
Carries an attitude, though possesses only a small shop,
Her customers seems happy as she knows her job,
She is very old like in nighties may be,
Her energy is infectious like a cute little baby,
Whenever I see her she never looks idle,
Keep working till you die is may be her bible,
Her other side is a person, much younger than her,
Always creating problem for the people or for her,
A young healthy fellow, who can work if he wants,
Begging is his business, and that’s the money he counts,
Begs from her customers, begs from anyone on the road,
She feels ashamed of him; he doesn’t even know what that is,
Age is just a number this lady is proving to everyone,
Start respecting yourself, if you want to become someone.
It’s not always the money, which makes somebody big,
The character only shows if you are poor or rich.
