Love Yourself!!

This quote given above sums up the problem most of us face.

Love yourself, what is this? Isn’t it being selfish? Aren’t we told to put others first? This is the most common conflict people seem to have and then there is another one, How can I love myself, I am not that pretty, I am not that intelligent, I am short, I am ugly and what not.

People are so busy in noticing their shortcomings that they forget that there is only one person like them in this entire world and they are as unique as the person they are comparing themselves.

This one thing starts from our childhood only. As if until some child is compared with another one, his/her childhood is not complete and this one thing get so much in the subconscious mind that people tend to do it even when they grow up, without even thinking once that life is a journey for which everyone has got one’s own track.

No conflicts at all. The universal God has made it very simple, only problem is with us, the human. We don’t like simple things. Until things are complicated, spicy, life is incomplete.

The problem is, slowly one get so complicated with oneself that it is better to leave it like that and focus on other things. But it doesn’t work that way. Until the focal point of the circle is correctly placed, the circle would never be smooth. Same stands true with us.

Loving oneself is the greatest gift one can give oneself. We have one life, one story and we are the Hero of our story and it is a well-known fact that Hero can never go wrong in a movie and even if he is wrong for a moment, he will sort it out in the end. That’s the trust one has to have in one’s abilities and that trust will come only when one will love and respect one self.

I have met so many people who would say that they love themselves but in reality they are not. Give them a moment and they would start beating themselves on some or other pretext. It’s okay. We are not machines. It’s okay to be wrong sometimes, it’s okay to be lazy sometimes, and it’s okay to lose sometimes. Nobody is perfect. Life doesn’t end with one instance. Every day is a new beginning.

The moment one start loving oneself, these instances also go away from one’s life as when one feel calm and confident about oneself, the decisions taken are always the best under the circumstances and Life is nothing but the collection of decisions taken by the man and when the decisions are right, Life automatically goes on the right track.

There are so many things to say but I’ll leave you here with this quote which sums up what I intended to.
