Help others to help yourself!!

I was thinking about what to write today as I have started my 30 days Blog marathon. I have never written more than an article a week before, hence it’s a big task considering my consistency.

Anyway, when I was looking for ideas, one picture on social media grabbed my attention. It was a picture of general boggy of a train filled with people like cattles. Every inch of that boggy was taken; I myself have witnessed situation like this once during my childhood so I know how wonderful it is to travel in a general boggy. Since that time, there have been a lot of change in our country, general boggy people have slowly moved to sleeper class, sleeper class to third AC and from their onwards either second AC or flight, both are now with very little difference in the cost in most of the places.

Even after so much of development taking place, there is one category of people which could not move from general class, reasons may be many but they remained there and joined by a million others. These are the people who take care of most of things of people who travel in sleeper class or other upper classes. These are the people who take garbage of all the upper class, their anger, their frustration, everything but still they are not welcome on most of the places.

Our country at present is going through some major changes like swatch Bharat Abhiyan, Smart city, Bullet trains etc. I wonder where these people fit in those schemes. Their clothes are dirty because they are cleaning the India so they can’t be welcomed in Clean India. Smart cities people would feel ashamed in having them in their city so they don’t fit there either and travelling in a bullet train is as distant a dream for them as having a proper three course meal. And mind you, these are the people who constitute more than a third of the country. These are the people who vote during elections invariably. These are the people who sometimes remain hungry for the day so that our family can have a big party at night.

Don’t we have any responsibility towards them? Doesn’t our country have any responsibility towards them? None of us became middle class, upper class or high income class overnight, somewhere down the line our great grandfather or their grandfather were also sitting among people in that general boggy. Isn’t it our responsibility to at least help one person to move up in life?

As famously said by the world’s best investor Warren Buffet-
‘If you’re in the luckiest one percent of the humanity, you owe it to the rest of the humanity to think about the other 99 percent.’

If not about the 99, if all of us can think about that one person moving next to us, the world will be a better place to live.


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