To err is human, to forgive is divine!!

Almost every day we see people fighting on some or other issues. Some issues would be too grave to be handled by these useless fights and some would be too small to get involved in any kind of altercation.

In case of strangers or not so on good terms people, these fights are quite verbal and sometimes go beyond that as well. In cases where people know each other, these fights continue under the cover like a cold war. People wouldn’t talk to each other, wouldn’t see eyes to eye and blah blah.

One thing in these scenarios which I have noticed is that people will hold on to issues to their heart as if it’s going to give them a fortune.

‘Why should I talk to him?
Why should I go first?
He has got so many flaws.
He is such a rascal.

All sorts of reasons would be there to not to initiate to settle the issue. However, there is one exception to this going forever fight which in almost all the cases seems to work.

Whenever one of them would lose the battle of life, the other one would invariably reason that in such circumstances, I shouldn’t bring my other issues. It’s not right. After all he was not such a bad man.

Now all of a sudden the other person would start to see all the good qualities of deceased person and would give himself a good human certificate by visiting the other person’s family.

Under such scenarios, invariably all of a sudden people seem to have got their lost maturity and sense. All of a sudden they will forget all the ill vibes they carried all their lives, but what for?

The person is gone. Who cares whether you think good about him or bad?

There are umpteen numbers of such cases where people have spoiled relationships, friendships because of their ego, because of their habit of seeing only negative things in others.

If at all, we can be so sensible that we start seeing good in every body instead of doing the same once the person is gone; our lives would be much happier and full of happy relationships.

No body becomes small by saying sorry, even when one is not at fault, and in same way no one becomes small by accepting the sorry as well.

To err is human, to forgive is divine.

Start saying sorry for your mistakes and start giving forgiveness for the mistakes of others and then you will be an unmatchable combination of human and divine where only joy and harmony can reside, nothing else.  
