A Restaurant without a menu!!

Currently I am reading biography of one of the greatest inventor of modern era, Steve Jobs written by Walter Isaacson.

It’s a wonderful read and gives an unbiased view on Steve Jobs as a person and his journey from a penny less kid to a man who made a dent in the universe as he wanted to.

During his earlier days in his pursuit of spiritual wisdom he traveled to India but as he was short of money, he happened to come via Turin, a city in Italy through an arrangement made by his employer so that he can earn some money on the way.

While in Italy Steve Jobs happen to visit a restaurant which had no menu.

It was not an ordinary restaurant as he found out that Fiat’s CEO had a fixed table in that restaurant for his visits quite often.

I was curious on reading this as this was the first time I had also heard or read anything like this, a restaurant without a menu.

Like any of us would have been, Steve was also a little surprised on his first visit but he found it interesting as he found that he could order whatever he wanted and it would be given to him.

May be, it was just a coincidence as he got to know about such a place before he embarked on his journey of self discovery and spirituality.

May be it was a master plan for him to know that in life also God has never given any menu to anyone. You can create and order whatever you want and that’s what he did.

He never chose anything whatever was already there in the market as he created his own dishes and served the world with his delicacies which the generations after are relishing.

Once during the initial process of creating a product, he was asked whether he wanted to have a market research and his reply was-“No, because customers don’t know what they want until we’ve shown them”

May be he knew that if he ask, people would choose from the menu again.

Our mind is an open canvass where we can draw whatever we want but as growing up, we are so focused in ordering everything from the menu we have been given by the surroundings we forget that we have the power to create our own meal as well.

The almighty never told that we can order only from the menu. The world is also a restaurant with no menu and one gets what one orders unless one is ready to pay the price for it.

Steve Jobs didn’t refer menu ever and he created what no one else has. Like him there are very few who could think of the blessing the almighty has given to them in this way and create a life which is a model for generations thereafter.

Like one of his famous quote-“The people who are crazy enough to change the world are the ones who do”

It can be in a big way like Steve Jobs did or in a small way in a small locality as well, a change started well with good intention always goes a long way.

Let’s think of something what we like to do rather than simply narrowing ourselves on the menu of life and you never know your dish could become a signature like you have Paneer butter masala or Tandoori chicken in your favorite restaurant. 
