Mind Game!!
are very few instances in our lives that too for few unfortunate ones that they
need the help of the police or a lawyer. There is a law in every country for
any harm done to other person either physically or materially like money etc. There
are proper courts, proper organizations to support the people in any such

everybody in this world is in the search of that illusive commodity called
peace, harmony and this most sought after commodity of the world can be found
in only one place for anybody for that matter and that place is sitting at the
top of every human body.
the place where entire life of a person takes place, is the temple of the body
and if it is sacred and calm, surroundings of that individual would reflect
that and life would be filled with harmony.

If at
all people realize that each and every visual, each and every word which is
being fed to the mind can create havoc or serenity of highest order; there
would be less of the darkness what we see now around us.
surroundings are filled with more of negativity than positivity. The words we
speak or listen comes more from negative side than the counterpart. The people
who surround us are more interested in bringing us down than lifting us up. The
news that is running on the television, radios or newspapers is more of some
mishappening than of a celebration.
All of
these things create a wall in the mind which has more dark spots on it than the
brighter one. In addition to this are the jolts we receive from the people we
interact in our daily lives.

Now though
it is an unintentional one but it should be treated as a crime as it has hurt
the person at a place which can take his or her life upside down.
wound of the body are way easier to get healed than the ones in the mind of a
person. It is the impact of these wounds only that we are surrounded by broken
promises, broken people, broken families, broken businesses and broken
societies as well.
Mind is
as much part of the body as any other one but while everybody would be more
than willing to accompany you on a trip to a regular doctor, everybody would
look at you like an untouchable the moment you say I need to consult a
psychiatrist or a psychologist. You will immediately be pronounced as mental
case. Why? What is the problem in being a mental? If there can a place for deaf
and dumb, if we can behave normally with a lame person, why can’t we behave
normally with a person who is trying to set right emotional or mental issues
one is dealing with?
It is
this hypocritical behavior by the society which has caused trauma to a number
of people and a number of families.
cannot be a better time than we are living now to have a focus on the ever
neglected issue of our lives when there is more number of people who are facing
such issues without even themselves knowing it.
If at
all people can be more open about such issues, if at all they could be accepted
more openly, if at all we understand that it’s okay to be not okay mentally
like it’s okay to be not okay physically, there would be more joy among us,
there would be more harmony in families.
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