Why is it necessary to dream?

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams”-
                                                                                                   Oprah Winfrey

All of us are born in this ever growing world with nothing in our hands and when we go, we go empty handed.

Just like a cricket player goes in the match, starts with a zero and whatever he/she makes in one innings, once out, would have to start afresh.

What sets apart the legends out there is the way they play during the time they were on the field. Our lives are like that. Every birth is a fresh match. What can make someone unique is their performance in the match.

However, just like a batsman goes there with an intention to score a hundred or a bowler goes out for a five fore, unless we have a goal a dream to play for, there is no point in playing a match.

Living a life without a dream is like going to bat without an intention to score anything. Of course everyone wouldn’t dream of scoring a hundred but that’s okay. Start small and once your smaller dreams would come true, their size and your belief in yourself, both would increase.

Ever wondered why only we humans have got this amazing gift called dreams. It’s a way of God telling us to create a life for ourselves the way we want to.

He has given us the catalog to choose, some wild enthusiastic among us would try to choose outside the catalog as well, but he doesn’t mind. He is ready to fulfill all your dreams, he is ready to give you the kind of life you want for yourself provided you are ready to receive it.

Being ready to receive here doesn’t mean getting ready for a party. Here it is something much more than that. In fact sometimes it is way beyond our capacities at the moment we dream but if one has a dream to die for; one would do anything for that provided one knows the value of one’s dream.

Nothing comes free in this world which is a fact. So when one wants the life of one’s dreams, one would have to pay the price for it. You want a life you have never had till the moment in your life so definitely you would have to become worthy of that life, you would have to become someone you were not till now, you have to grow as a person because any or every change in our outer life is result of the change in our inner self.

Once you start working on yourself, your dream start moving towards you. Now after that, it’s all you and your desire to fulfill your dream and in that desire, you won’t even realize when you have started living the life you have always wanted, you would become a person you had always wanted to be.

All this would happen only when one has the starting point of it, a dream. A person without a dream is nothing more than a mere statue moving around in the world without knowing what its destination is.

Know your destination, know your boundaries, know your potential, there is always some scope for improvement, there is always something to achieve, there is always something to dream.

You have your life in your hands; you have your destiny in your hands, stop being a statue and prove that you are a human.
