How the world will look like once Corona is over?

Had it happened a few years ago, I might have been the first person to complain, crib and fear about the situation we are in.


I was in the perfect victim mode then.

A depressed, pessimistic chap who sees only a dark dot in an entire white wall.

Fortunately, things have changed now for me or should I say I worked for things to change and that made the difference how I see a problem, my surroundings, myself and this world.

So while all of us are giving our all-out efforts to fight this unforeseen problem, I tried to visualize how is it going to impact us once it’s all over which will be for sure in the coming future.

1)     Real face of the nature will come out:

Though all of us have been mesmerized by the beauty of nature at some or other points of our lives, it was still under the clouds of negativity, pollution we had pushed on it.

Now without our interference in its growth, it will show the real face of it as has already been seen in some places

We can already see more clear sky, cleaner beaches and rivers, more species finding their ways out in the field.

While it will be a pleasant experience to step out of our house after this pandemic in a place where we can breathe freely, it will also give us more responsibility to make sure it doesn’t worsen again.

2)    Real face of the people will come out

This is the time when almost everybody is at home, even those who thought they are living in a motel and goes there to sleep only.

This is the time when even though we need to stay away from the people, we can’t do this by being together in this.

This is the time when patience and character of the people will be getting tested.

 Earlier people could fake it but now when we are under one roof for days together, we will know where do we stand as a couple, as a family & as a society.

3)    People will be humbled
I have never felt like going to zoo.

I didn’t like seeing those animals caged.

They were caged for no fault of them.

Now, all of us are caged and fault is ours.

No matter what religion you belong to, what caste, what color, what social status, whether you are a billionaire, a celebrity or a roadside tea vendor, Nature has caged you to a single place.

You move out at your own risk.

This would definitely kill the false ego people carried earlier and make them humble and realize that we may create boundaries on our own, nature doesn’t differentiate among its people.

4)    Time was always there, only we were not there
We don’t have much time on this planet, that everybody knows.

But within that time also, we got so busy that we didn’t have time.

Now it’s there. We have all the time.

We have same job, same occupation, same family, same friends, same life but we are able to have more time.

It was all about priorities earlier also, now also and it would be same in future as well.

5)    People will unleash their new talents

All of us have some or other talent. Almighty never send anybody empty handed here.

It’s our job to find out what it is.

A lot many of us never had the time, or the urge, or the thought that we could have some talent, something in which we are good at.

We were living by what the people around us told to do and once we got busy in that, we never had time to figure out what our talent is.

Now with more time in our hand, some of us might figure out what we are good at and enjoy doing as well and who knows we might see some magical innovations as a result of this period.

6)    What matters will be known

I have a friend whose whatsapp status is always updated with party pictures, restaurant pictures, and things like this is what I live for.

I am sure we all would have people like these in our network or we also might be like them who can’t imagine our lives without partying, without roaming around uselessly, without bitching and gossiping.

Some of us are so attached to our work that no matter what happens in family, we can’t miss our job as if the entire company runs because of us.

Now all of that has stopped.

And did we die?

At least not because of that.

Did things stop running because of only our not turning out at office, No.

With this current humbling experience, people will realize the importance of health, family and quality time which was in scarcity till now.

7)    People will become healthier
Our lives have become so automated that we don’t even realize where its leading us.

Office tension, family tension, career tension, outside food, fast food, all those things have taken a toll on our health.

I know that some of us are taking good care of our health but majority out there either don’t have time or discipline to take care of our physical and mental health.

As all of us are confined to our homes, that tension due to always rushing somewhere will be reduced.

With less outside food and more homemade food and better hygiene as that is the need of the hour, our health is surely to get improved in this scenario.

8)    Our relation with the nature will become more clear
We have spoiled the mother nature like anything. There is no doubt about it.

We acted like a spoiled brat not caring for our parent’s regular warnings and when the parents thought, it’s enough, we are on our knees.

No negotiation.

Punishment is awarded and all of us are facing it now.

Once this ordeal is over, the Nature will love us again, pamper us again but it will be our duty to not take its love for granted as we know, in anger what it can do.

9)    Less animal killing 
As it is widely told that this pandemic is the result of some wild animal killing, I believe that at least some of us would think twice before going for a sumptuous lunch which has been served over the deathbed of an innocent animal.

Till now, we thought that we can get away with them.

They can’t speak, they can’t retaliate, they can’t stag protest so we can do whatever we want to do with them.

Now it is clear, we are mistaken.

We might be the most powerful species on this planet but this planet is run by a force which is way more powerful than us and we would be reminded of it whenever we revisit the time we are in.

10) We will realize our strength
Most importantly, by coming out of this time we will realize our strength as an individual, as a family, as a society, as a country and as Humans.

A lot many of us can’t stay at a place for long. Most of us can’t do without moving out at least once in a day.

Some of us have to meet our friends daily. Some of us are so passionate about our work that we can’t do without that.

This time is the test of patience and self-discipline of every individual and when we know our life is at stake because of this, we have no other option but to go for it.

And this one incidence will make us realize our strength which will help us later on in our lives.

We are facing a real mammoth task of saving ourselves against an enemy we can’t see but we can do what is in our hand and stay positive throughout this nightmare. 

A problem always comes with a solution, a night is always followed by sunshine and darkness is always won by the light.

Things might seem dark now but the sunshine is around the corner, a little patience, a little self-discipline, and lots of time with self and loved ones will surely take us in a world which will definitely be better than where we were or are in.
