Ikigai- a reason for living!!
Today when I woke up, it was
not one of the best mornings I have had in some time. I felt exhausted with the
continuous churning of my body and mind with the mad rush going around me.
Again a set routine waited for me, get up, get ready, go to office, come back
home and then sleep hoping for a better tomorrow.
Somehow I was not in that
blessed mood when I woke up unlike other days when it feels grateful to see
another day in my life.
I pushed myself out of my bed,
opened laptop to have my daily dose of motivation to start off my day and bang
on I came across an article on this wonderful Japanese concept called ‘Ikigai’.

People in Japan seem to have idea
of what their life should be, they have a goal for their lives and that is the
core of this concept called Ikigai.
Secret to health and happiness
is one thing which almost each one of is searching for in spite of being in the
most technological advanced era ever in the history of this planet.
There are various answers for
same in different countries and in different cultures. Ikigai is one such concept
which seem to have found out the answer for what is the magical answer for this
According to Japanese culture,
your reason, your why lies at the centre of four interconnecting circles:
1) Mission:
What you love
2) Vocation:
What the world needs
3) Profession:
What you can get paid for
4) Passion:
What you’re good at
If somebody is able to find
clear answer for these four questions and is able to follow them, he can attain
what is called a blessed state of being.
For most of us, we would have clear
answers to few of them but not all of them; at least I can say that for myself.
In most of the cases the issue would be like I know what do I want to do but
would I am not sure whether I would be able to make good money from it.

This one thing is the single
most reason which is contributing in the more number of Centenarians in Japan.
People live a long life there because they have health and happiness at the
center of it by virtue of practicing Ikigai.
Most of them might have come
from small villages or small towns and might not have attained the kind of heights
which are considered benchmark for success in today’s competitive world but
they have impacted the lives of the people around them in their own unique way.
Ikigai is the concept which
has made the Japanese society a closed knit one where people tend to help each
other more often as service to others is the utmost form of fulfilment.
This one small word ‘Ikigai’
has today opened a new window to the world for me, a new way of looking at the
life and things around me and I am going to make sure I find my Ikigai.
What is your Ikigai?
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