If Humans are Aliens:)

Ever thought that like we are so curious about a world which is ruled by aliens, there may actually be a world ruled by aliens for whom we are aliens.

If at all they have better powers than the Humans have, they would have already started having their research about us, THE ALIENS.

They would be tracking all the movements of our spaceships, satellites.

They would be studying the life pattern of Humans like we would do if we caught hold of an alien.

Sounds weird, right?

When this thought occurred to me, then even for a moment I was also shaken.

But imagine if ever they would study Humans, what can be the outcomes?

But then I let my mind run in all the directions and came up with some points which the aliens might discover about Humans:
 1) Humans are made up of a basic material called soil before birth and they become soil after birth as well, still they don’t care about their planet which is having 1/3rd of its part as soil only.
  2) They need some unseen gas to stay alive but still they are polluting it.
  3) They have some colorless liquid which they drink and use for other purposes. This liquid can cure most of their diseases but they don’t take it seriously, in fact they care more about other colored liquids which are made with help of this colorless liquid.
 4)   They need to eat some stuff (there are lots of actually-Humans are way complicated) which is produced by their planet but these humans experiment with these items given in raw form by their planet and eat unhealthy stuff to fall sick.
  5)  Unlike us, every Human has different brain and different color but still they manage to stay together.
  6) Human brain is way more powerful than us but they don’t use it much for good purposes and abuse it along with their body as well and that’s the reason they are still not able to find usJ.
  7) There are a no. of times we have been to their planet but they could never ever caught us. Once or twice some humans saw us, but like us they don’t think alike so other Humans didn’t believe their brothers who saw us.
 8) We thought that we are the only superpowers in the world but the way we see this Human’s mind functioning, they are far more powerful than us if they are able to use it at its full potential.

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Well that’s what I did with my free time today, if you have some more interesting stuff to add to it, please post in the commentsJ
