Cross the Road My friend!!

"I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road."- Stephen Hawking

I came across today this wonderful quote from great physicist Stephen Hawking and immediately i wondered that how beautifully this gentleman has put up a big lesson of life in such simple words.

For the things we know we have control over or we know that we can control according to our comfort zone, we try to control them like taking due precaution while crossing the road; but for the things which go out of our comfort zone or our so called limits, we give them name of the destiny.

The air around us is carrying stories of numerous individuals who were in far worse situations that a lot of us are in but in spite of their situations, they changed their destiny by will, by efforts, by right thoughts and by right actions.

Mahatma Gandhi may not have been the strongest man going around at the time of struggle of Indian Independence but he knew what the situation demanded and coming from a small place in a country of millions, he made his mark for eternity.

Like millions of achievers in the world, he didn't accept his destiny as seen in those times, he envisioned his and his country's destiny and lived to see it come true. 

His was a way bigger dream or goal than a lot of us have for our lives (if at all we have a goal for our lives), but only few of us dare to challenge or think in the most simple way that its just like crossing the road, all we have to do is tune our mind with the frequency of our goals and after that we would automatically know when should we stop and when should we cross the road.

Like we have it in our hands to cross the road safely in spite of big vehicles moving on the road, it is also in our hands to shape our destiny.

All we have to do is clear our vision and see which vehicle we should avoid and which one we can signal and cross the road till they wait for us to reach the other side of our destiny.

As famously told by Great poet William Shakespeare- "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves"
