A conversation between Body and Mind:

Body: What happened? You are not looking happy today.
Mind: Hmmm…
Body: Why? What Happened?
Mind: Nothing
Body: Arey tell yar…what is the issue?
Mind being Mind thought for a moment and then spoke.
Mind: I am jealous of you.
Body asked surprisingly: Why so?
Mind: Don’t you know?
Body: how would I know dude?
Mind: Everybody asks about your health but nobody bothers about mine. If there is any issue with you, they would rush to the doctor immediately but even if there are humongous problems with me, no one seems to bother.
Body nodded her head in approval- I agree.
Mind: No one cares for me….I do all sort of work for them…even you know that without me you are also nothing but still they care more for you.
Body: Don’t get so sad buddy. They care for me because if anything happens with me, it pains, it shows to the outer world but if anything happens with you, nobody sees it.
Mind: I know but that’s not my fault.
Body: I know as if everything happening with me is my fault. When I came here, I was perfect but they misused me like anything…feeding me with all sort of crap, using without giving proper rest and without any exercise.
Mind: hey at least they feed you time to time to keep you working but for me they don’t even care what is going in me…I have to have all sorts of crap all the time…only very few of them try to feed me with good stuff daily.
Body: Same here bro…I follow simple principle…I’ll give you what you give me…I take care of the people who care for me.
Mind: Even I do the same thing but you know what, if something is not working nobody blames body, they will sympathize with it but if I stop working, others start using very bad language so even if I am ill-treated, I have to give a minimum support.
Body: then keep giving that minimum support and be happy…when other person is not bothered about you, why do you care? Have fun, do full rest all the time and anyways the way things are moving, we wouldn’t have to work very long so both of us will pack our bags then.
Mind: That’s seems like a good idea. I feel good now.
Body: that’s like a good boyJ
