The Open Secret!!
'Kaal Kare so Aaj Kar, Aaj Kare so Ab
Pal Mein Pralaya Hoyegi, Bahuri Karego Kab'
This one is a very famous Couplet which, I am sure, all of us would have
heard so many times since our childhood.
This couplet has been sung, told by our ancestors ever since it is spelt
by the Great Poet Kabir but very few of us have actually understood the real
meaning of it and out of those lucky ones who have understood, very
few of them have actually implemented in their lives. To be frank
with you guys, I didn't. We just have this habit of procrastination, never
doing the things when they are meant to be.

I recently went through an article on internet which said something
about the Master Plan which God has created for all of us. The supreme power
has planned something for us at every point of time, at every moment of time
ever since we start our journey on this planet. Obviously then, I wondered
about my master plan and the thought which stuck me was that by procrastinating
all the time, I am actually creating hindrance in the master plan and delaying
the process as a result.
All of us have a purpose to fulfil, a dream to achieve, a goal to
accomplish, a life to live and the time to start working on that is now. I have
started working on mine now, when are you starting?
Do share your views on it.
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